Currently Supported ITP Teams
Hydronovo: Regenerating The Salivary Gland Using an Injectable Hydrogel
Product: Injectable hydrogel with drug (cevemiline+oxidized alginate)
Indication: Regenerate salivary gland in post-radiation therapy xerostomia
Anticipated regulatory strategy: 505(b)(2) – IND with drug being the Primary Mode of Action
ITP Teams at a Glance

ITPs in the C-DOCTOR Portfolio over Time
Since its inception, C-DOCTOR has aimed to develop a pipeline to select, refine and drive the development of promising dental, oral, and craniofacial tissue engineering and regenerative medicine technologies. ITP teams in the C-DOCTOR portfolio are assessed quarterly on progress toward their milestones. ITPs that meet their milestones are advanced/continue to progress through the pipeline, while a “fail-fast” approach is taken for ITPs that may not be progressing well and they are exited from the program. The figure below outlines the progression of ITPs in the C-DOCTOR portfolio over time.

Previously Supported ITP Teams
An osteoconductive growth factor-free antimicrobial adhesive for treatment of peri-implantitis
Nasim Annabi, PhD (UCLA)
Giuseppe Intini, DDS, PhD (Harvard University)
Flavia Queiroz Pirih, DDS, PhD (UCLA)
Mitigating radiation induced hyposalivation by activation of ALDH3A1
Quynh-Thu Le, MD, FACR, FASTRO (Stanford University)
Daria Mochly-Rosen, PhD (Stanford University)
Davud Sirjani, MD (Stanford University)
Peptide-impregnated hydrogel system for improving cleft lip and palate wound healing
Zhong Zheng, PhD (Scarless Laboratories)
Carol Danielson, PhD (Scarless Laboratories)
Chia Soo, MD (UCLA)
Kang Ting, DMD, DMedSc (UCLA)
Replacement salivary tissues for relief of xerostomia
Mary C. Farach-Carson, PhD (University of Texas)
Quynh-Thu Le, MD, FACR, FASTRO (Stanford University)
Michael Passineau (Allegheny-Singer Research Institute)
Daniel Harrington, PhD (University of Texas)
Isabelle Lombaert, PhD (University of Michigan)
Robert Witt, MD, FACS (Christiana Care Health System)
Mark Wong, DDS (University of Texas)
PILP: a novel method to repair dentin caries
Stefan Habelitz, PhD (UC San Francisco)
Grayson W. Marshall, Jr., DDS, MPH, PhD (Northwestern University)
Thuan Q. Le, DDS, PhD (UC San Francisco)
HB-EGF for radiation-induced oral mucositis
Peter Santa Maria, MD, PhD (Stanford University)
Quynh-Thu Le, MD, FACR, FASTRO (Stanford Unviersity)
Susan Knox, MD, PhD (Stanford University)
Yunzhi Peter Yang, PhD (Stanford University)
3D printed nanoclay enhanced calcium phosphate ceramic composite
David K. Mills, PhD (Louisiana Tech University)
Bingyun Li, PhD (West Virginia University)
Mingxian Liu, PhD (Jinan University)
Sustained local delivery of pharmacological agents via nanoengineered films to improve healing of craniofacial fractures
Jason Pomerantz, MD (UC San Francisco)
Tejal Desai, PhD (UC San Francisco)
Ophir Klein, MD (UC San Francisco)
3D-transglutaminase hydrogel fibronectin therapy for non-healing irradiated head and neck skin wounds
Alex K. Wong, MD, FACS (City of Hope)
Bo Han, PhD (University of Southern California)
Bone-targeted delivery of MSCs for treatment of periodontitis bone loss
Wei Yao, MD (UC Davis)
Nancy Lane, MD (UC Davis)
Kit Lam, MD, PhD (UC Davis)
MicroRNA mediated alveolar ridge preservation and restoration
Brad Amendt, PhD (University of Iowa & NaturemIRI, LLC)
Immunomodulatory periodontal microneedle patch for tissue regeneration
Song Li, PhD (University of California, Los Angeles)
Novel drug candidate for therapy of arthritis of the TMJ
Denis Evseenko, MD, PhD (University of Southern California)
Yang Chai, DDS, PhD (University of Southern California)
Glenn Clark, DDS, MS (University of Southern California)
Drug-induced periodontal regeneration
Phillip B. Messersmith, PhD (University of California, Berkeley)
Ellen Heber-Katz, PhD (Lankenau Institute for Medical Research)
A national resource center for the clinical translation of innovative regenerative technologies to replace dental, oral, and craniofacial (DOC) tissues or organs lost to congenital disorders, traumatic injuries, diseases, and medical procedures.
Contact Us
- Jeffrey Lotz, Co-PI
- Yang Chai, Co-PI
- Pui Yee Law, Operations
- Bridget Samuels, Operations
- VyVy Nguyen, Operations
C-DOCTOR is supported by U24 DE029463 from the National Institute of Dental & Craniofacial Research, National Institutes of Health.
The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.